Focus is a Skill NOT a Superpower (how to master focus)

Описание к видео Focus is a Skill NOT a Superpower (how to master focus)

8 ways to focus better - for the procrastinators, the complainers, the excuse-givers.

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0:00 - focus is a skill
2:16 - start small dammit
4:00 - find your "focus hour"
5:05 - don't try to multitask
6:08 - eliminate distractions
7:14 - parkinson's law
8:36 - breaks
9:58 - focus crutches
12:16 - learn to prioritize effectively
14:39 - master focus

andre pel
andre pel photography

how to focus better, how to train your focus, how to learn focus, how to focus better as a creative person, productivity focus tips, tips for focusing to be more productive, and more!

#productivity #focus


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