Donney Two Stroke Crankshaft rebuilding fixture (Patent Pending). Most ALL press part Crankshafts.

Описание к видео Donney Two Stroke Crankshaft rebuilding fixture (Patent Pending). Most ALL press part Crankshafts.

Rebuild a two stroke or press apart crankshaft quickly and easily now!
We will sell a licensing fee just for the fixtures you can build your own fixture if you have all of your other tools and technology, or if you want to learn how to rebuild the entire Crankshaft and are new to the business, we can help there too, with an entire system.

System was originally designed to do SAAB three cylinder two-stroke crankshaft, but it can be easily modified with the change of day plate to do DKW or Yamaha, Polaris, Kawasaki or any two-stroke crank !

Patent pending.


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