Tracking The Largest Elephant Tusker Alive - N’wendlamuhari

Описание к видео Tracking The Largest Elephant Tusker Alive - N’wendlamuhari

N’wendlamuhari is Shangaan for the Sand River which means ‘the river that is fierce when in flood’ the name links to the bulls preferred location to a spruit which is known for its dramatic flooding in heavy rains.
Filmed at the Tihongonyeni Waterhole in the Northern Kruger National Park close to Mopani Rest-camp.
Special Features: Most notable on this bull is his ivory, his left tusk suffered a dramatic break many years back and while there has been substantial growth of the tusk since then, there is a marked difference in length between the two tusks. The left tusk break has smoothed over time and has developed quiet a prominent point to it. There are very few notable ear markings on this bull and aside from a small v-shaped nick visible in the left lobe towards the top and small u-shaped marks towards the top of the right ear lobe which are only visible in high resolution aside from this he has fairly clean ears. Visible from a left side profile are a cluster of small growths on the front of the left foreleg fairly high up the leg. These are often obscured by the ear lobe in frontal images.

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