Описание к видео HUUUGE Queen

New Hive
Stupid feeder. The feeder hole was completely full of brood and nectar again. What a mess. We pulled it off and won't be putting it back on until I fill in most of the with wood. We're not cleaning up that mess every time. The rest of the hive was in good shape minus some wonky comb. We found the queen and she's laying well. We did have a few SHB but nearly all were stuck in the Beetle Be Gone sheets.

Old Hive
The top super is PACKED with honey. It was really heavy and likely ready to harvest. The 2nd super wasn't as heavy but it's almost there too. The empty bottom super I put on last time was mostly empty. Now to the deep. It was full of bees. The big question of the day was answered quickly as I could see capped brood before I pulled frames. We did remove what I think was an empty swarm cell on one of the early frames. Cate found the new girl on the 4th frame in. We have a mated queen and she's HUUUGE...nearly twice the size of the workers and very light in color. That was a major load off my mind. I put everything back together, throwing on a just-in-case empty top super. Hopefully they can pull some of those 2 empty supers out before the flow stops.



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