[中日歌词] 幸子小姐拜托了- 柴鱼のcalling (Chin | Jpn Lyrics)

Описание к видео [中日歌词] 幸子小姐拜托了- 柴鱼のcalling (Chin | Jpn Lyrics)

这是我第一次做日语歌的影片 😇 有什么不对的地方可以告诉我哦~

This is my first time making a video with a Japanese song 😇 Feel free to let me know if there's anything wrong !


如果你喜欢我的影片 不要忘记订阅我的频道还有点赞视频哦~ 👍🏻😁

If you like my videos, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and give the videos a thumbs up. 👍🏻😁


虽然中文不是全部都是我翻译的 但是我也有修改一些 😄 希望大家会喜欢 !! 😃

Although I didn't translate all the Chinese myself, I did make some modifications. 😄 I hope you all like it !! 😃


** 歌词翻译来源于QQ音乐和网易云音乐 ** 本人也有进行一些修改哦!☺️

这些图片来自于网络下载 😄

** The lyrics translation is sourced from QQ Music and NetEase Cloud Music **. I have also made some modifications ! ☺️

These images are downloaded from the internet. 😄


还有如果有什么问题也可以评论区告诉我哦 ! 😁 谢谢~ 🥰❤️

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know in the comments ! 😁 Thank you~ 🥰❤️


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