#EvangelistJoshuaTV #DreamaboutToilet
Dream about toilet has a way of affecting our emotional, spiritual and marital life. The disturbance of toilet dream is an indication of a person not so comfortable with his challenges. When we eat in the waking life, we go to the toilet to pass out excretion. No reasonable human being would like to go to the toilet and start eating, no. Because that's not the purpose.
Toilet dream also indicate a sign of some situations we feel embarrassed about, or some situations that has ridiculed us. Sometimes a dream about toilets indicates some problems you have and the need to find solutions for them. This dream could also indicate someone bothering you with their problems. They could also indicate feeling humiliated in some situation or by someone.
Dream about toilets often indicate a marine projection into your body to cause sorrow and sickness. Toilet dream is connected to eating in the dream. These dreams often point out some issues with your health or some hard problems. Perhaps something happened in your life that caused you to worry and pains. You may be dealing with a bad situation at work or at home and it is making you stressed out.
Toilet often appear in your dreams because the spirit of pollution, contamination and demonic manipulation are waging attacks against you. When such dream happens, it is time you need to check out your sin. If you are a male and you see yourself using a toilet in a dream, there is a high possibility that you are going to experience slavery, failure or unending afflictions.
This dream indicates that you will soon lose ability to pursue life goals an purposes due to frustration. Such a man will find it difficult to experience joy. If you are a woman and you had a dream of seeing or using a toilet, however, if you wake up not happy within you, it could be telling your past relationship is affecting you.
Dream Activities
1. Seeing clean toilet in dream, it means you are getting rid of unwanted materials programmed in your body.
2. If you poop in a dirty toilet, it indicates that you are living in sin and that sin has actually brought shame and disgrace to you.
3. If you fall into toilet dream, it is warning sign of death, sickness. It is telling you that the trap of your enemy has actually catch you.
4. If you see poop around your body, it is an indication of foundation powers trying to cause your help or good people not to help. This usually brings promise and fail, hatred and rejection.
5. If you are unable to find the toilet in dream, it symbolizes troubles and tragedy.
6. If you flush the toilet in the dream, it indicates deliverance from inherited problems.
7. If you dream of a broken toilet, this is a warning of emotional and marital problems.
8. If you poop outside your environment, it means enemies are actually manipulating you.
9. If you see blood around the toilet, it therefore indicates a warning of misfortunes, covenant of miscarriage and affliction.
10. If you dream of having sex in the toilet, it means your life is under cursed of non-achievement and hardship.
11. If you dream of going to public toilet, this usually symbolize unorganized lifestyle.
1. Every aroma of shame and disgrace in my life, be purged out by the blood of Jesus.
2. Ancestral powers attacking my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every cage assigned to imprison my glory, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Whatever the enemy has destroyed in my life before I found Jesus, be repaired, in the name of Jesus
5. Let all my problems be converted to testimonies, in the name of Jesus.
Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/drea...
Every evil load upon my life and destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus Favour arrester delegated against me, die, in the name of Jesus. I separate myself from every sin of the past after my life,in the name of Jesus. Glory of God, give me a new identity, in the name of Jesus. Every sin in my life that is closing my heaven, open by fire, in the name of Jesus. Thou power of God, cancel every spirit of bad luck working against my marriage, in the name of Jesus
Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/drea...
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