My Reselling Thrift store and Liquidation Pallet Haul!!

Описание к видео My Reselling Thrift store and Liquidation Pallet Haul!!

What's good ya! Happy to be back with a new video so soon, in this video I show ya what stuff I have currently in my inventory and what is listed on my eBay store.
Truly ya I want to say for anyone going thru a tuff time please come to God, he truly gives us all peace, through the storm God has a plan, no situation is too much for God to handle always remember that.
God who took our sins away and made us righteous, why wouldn't he be able to solve our problems?

Romans 8:32 - He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?




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