Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: A Technical Deep Dive

Описание к видео Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: A Technical Deep Dive

🔍 Join us for a comprehensive exploration of Kerberoasting - a critical Active Directory attack technique that every security professional should understand. This video breaks down the complex mechanics of Kerberos authentication and demonstrates how attackers can exploit Service Principal Names (SPNs) to compromise privileged accounts.

📚 In this tutorial, you'll learn:

The fundamentals of Kerberos authentication in Active Directory
How Kerberoasting attacks work and why they're dangerous
Real-world examples in a controlled lab environment

⚠️ Note: All demonstrations are performed in authorized testing environments. This content is for educational purposes only.

00:00 Intro
00:27 Simplified Kerberos Authentication Process
01:00 SPN
01:48 Spot Misconfigured SPN with ldapsearch
03:23 GetUserSPNs
03:45 Modify GetUserSPNs to Show All SPNs
04:27 GetTGS py (Modified GetUserSPNs py to show Raw TGS Ticket)
04:59 GetTGS py Explanations
05:27 Fixing "Clock Skew Too Great"
06:17 Raw TGS Ticket Analysis
07:45 Outro

#Cybersecurity #ActiveDirectory #Kerberoasting #InfoSec #TechnicalTutorial


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