3dfx Voodoo Banshee - Klingon Honor Guard (October 1998)

Описание к видео 3dfx Voodoo Banshee - Klingon Honor Guard (October 1998)

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Athlon 800 mhz, 256 mb DDR, 3dfx Voodoo Banshee (100/110 mhz). Glide, 1024x768. Windows 98.
The FPS can be seen in the upper left side of the screen.
The Unreal engine version used in Klingon Honor Guard is the oldest one utilized by any game, even older than the one used in Unreal itself.
Unfortunately no matter which driver I tried visual artefacts were always present on the walls. If you know what has to be done to make the game run properly without visual artefacts in Glide with the Banshee and Voodoo 3 please let me know in the comments. Thank you!


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