Nelson Mandela & Graca Machel Humanitarian Award & Recognition Yvonne Chaka Chaka Performance

Описание к видео Nelson Mandela & Graca Machel Humanitarian Award & Recognition Yvonne Chaka Chaka Performance

Shock RA Entertainment is proud to have organized the Humanitarian Award &
Humanitarian Recognition on behalf of Honorable Nelson Mandela &
Madame Graca Machel on September 23rd, 2013 as a consultant to the South South Awards.

Held at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC one day after the erection of the Madiba statue in front of the South African Embassy in Washington D.C., marking the spot where American activists such as myself as an Occidental College student activist protested for the FREE MANDELA campaign against the unjust imprisonment of Mandela, as well as against the racial injustice rooted in apartheid. We protested to encourage the U.S. government to pressure the SA government to release him. College students across the U.S. in late 80s early 90s put pressure on American companies supporting apartheid by organizing boycotts of products and challenging the lack of social and corporate responsibility in the area of human rights by these companies established in US and South Africa.

Nelson Mandela came to meet me and other student organizers in 1990 in Los Angeles, CA at Occidental College after his release after 27 years in prison to thank us for using our voices to encourage the world to support his freedom. I have never been more honored in my life.


Rest in peace....


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