Brand New Key (HD)

Описание к видео Brand New Key (HD)

♪ Brand New Key is a pop song written by folk singer Melanie Safka, which became a novelty hit in 1971-72. Taken from her Gather Me album, it was also known as The Roller-skate Song. It was her biggest hit, reaching #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in December 1971 and January 1972. It reached #1 in Canada and Australia, and #4 in the UK charts. Melanie's version of Brand New Key was featured in the 1997 film Boogie Nights.

Melanie says she wrote Brand New Key in about fifteen minutes one night. As she says: "I thought it was cute; a kind of old thirties tune. I guess a key and a lock have always been Freudian symbols, and pretty obvious ones at that. There was no deep serious expression behind the song, but people read things into it. They made up incredible stories as to what the lyrics said and what the song meant. In some places, it was even banned from the radio. My idea about songs is that once you write them, you have very little say in their life afterward. It's a lot like having a baby. You conceive a song, deliver it, and then give it as good a start as you can. After that, it's on its own. People will take it any way they want to take it."

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