Eating is an environmental act: Manuel Klarmann at TEDxLausanne

Описание к видео Eating is an environmental act: Manuel Klarmann at TEDxLausanne With ⅓ of our greenhouse gas emission originating from our food consumption, food does matter to our planet as it is important to our daily routine. If we continue our trends, it is predictable when we will run out of ressources and cause our climate to change. By enabling smart decisions, food takes the biggest share of things we can do -- one-by-one -- to cut down emissions by 1 ton per person and year. And this also by enjoying a delicious, affordable and healthy cuisine. Everyone can cook - and indeed we all connect with the ones we love over our food.

An entrepreneur at heart and a food lover, Manuel Klarmann kicked off his initiative Eaternity in 2009 ( His company calculates the CO2 footprint of menus for restaurants, enabling the chefs and consumers to make an informed decision on their environmental footprint. Eaternity develops its vision and projects with many notable large customers such as the ETH and the city of Zurich; it has also won several awards, such as the Impact HUB Fellowship and the SEIF Award.


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