Middlesex Trail Adventures - Parkhill Conservation Area

Описание к видео Middlesex Trail Adventures - Parkhill Conservation Area

Join the Middlesex EarlyON team as we venture into Open Spaces and explore local Middlesex County Trails. Today, we are exploring Parkhill Conservation Area. Parkhill Conservation Area is located at 32910 Centre Rd. outside Parkhill, Ontario; and the Scenic Lookout is on Grand Bend Rd., and the Parkhill Boat Launch is on McGuffin Hills Rd.; both are north of Parkhill. On today’s trail adventure we will be exploring all three of these areas. Bring paper and crayons to make bark rubbings of the trees on the trail.

Send us a picture of your family enjoying the Middlesex Trail Adventure and be entered to win an Outdoor Adventure’s Prize Pack. Email us at [email protected]. Prize draw closes September 11, 2020.

Download our Middlesex Trail Adventures Passport and enjoy all 8 of our Trail Adventures! Visit: https://www.middlesex.ca/earlyon/spec...

Open Spaces - adventures in outdoor learning!


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