[Railway Drone Vidoe]경강선 전철, 세종대왕릉역 인근 드론 영상 Gyeonggang Line, KOREA 2017

Описание к видео [Railway Drone Vidoe]경강선 전철, 세종대왕릉역 인근 드론 영상 Gyeonggang Line, KOREA 2017

[Railway Drone Vidoe]경강선 전철, 세종대왕릉역 인근 드론 영상(하늘에서 본 여주) / Device : PHANTOM 4 PRO(팬텀4 프로)
Gyeonggang Line, Yeoju, KOREA 2017
韓国電車 京江線(キョンガンせん)
Date : Wednesday, May 3, 2017(2017년 5월 3일)

The Gyeonggang Line of the Seoul Metropolitan Subway system is a major commuter rail line in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. It runs from the city of Seongnam to Yeoju City, partially coinciding with the route of the former narrow-gauge Suryeo Line. It opened to the public on September 24, 2016


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