Lina Echeverría from Corning Inc. (VP - Science and Technology, Retired)

Описание к видео Lina Echeverría from Corning Inc. (VP - Science and Technology, Retired)

University of Maryland Geology Department Colloquium

Lina Echeverría from Corning Incorporated (Vice President of Science and Technology, Retired); Innovation Leadership Consultant

Title: The Unpredictable Arc of a Career In Geology

Abstract: Upbeat after the completion of postdoctoral and academic research, it feels safe to assume that life will continue along a straight road not unlike those lived by professors and colleagues who have surrounded us for close to three decades. This is particularly so when the experiences—college, graduate, post doc and beyond—have brought exploration and discoveries and, with them, excitement. From Buddhist philosophy we learn that life is what happens when we are busy making plans—and our clear plans may have surprising turns. As unexpected doors open in our lives, that same curiosity and willingness to venture of our early career will lead us into new territories, allow for contributions, and recreate excitement in totally unknown fields. We just have to be prepared to be surprised. Illustrating this narrative, I will share my career and life experiences, the unexpected turns from spinifex komatiites to the world of research and intellectual property in corporate America, and on to understanding the creative drive of individuals and harnessing it to deliver technology innovations.


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