Sadhguru on the Power of Number 11 | Number Eleven | Synchronicity

Описание к видео Sadhguru on the Power of Number 11 | Number Eleven | Synchronicity

A day of auspiciousness and grace, Thaipusam 2021 marks 11 years since Devi Bhairavi Aradhana - consecration of Linga Bhairavi. JOIN Sadhguru LIVE from Linga Bhairavi for the Thaipusam Special Darshan.

This Video was uploaded with the permission of the owner. his name is Sadhguru and all his Videos are under the creative common license. watch his own words for more info    • Why is Sadhguru Offering His Videos f...  
and we use pixabay free videos and photos too. they also fall under the creative common license.
We use bits and pieces of the video to convey the powerful spiritual teachings which have transformed human lives from time immemorial.

special thanks to sadhguru for provding amazing content.


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