Certificate of Incorporation of Hong Kong | Incorporating a HK Company | Hi-Secretary.com

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Certificate of Incorporation in Hong Kong for Limited Companies:

What is a Certificate of Incorporation in Hong Kong?
The Certificate of Incorporation is a certificate/document issued to a Hong Kong company with limited liability when the company is registered.
The Certificate of Incorporation is issued by the Hong Kong Companies Registry.
Do all the registered companies in Hong Kong have a Certificate of Incorporation?
No. Only companies with limited liability are issued with Certificate of Incorporation.
The companies do not possess with Certificate of Incorporation are the companies registered as sole proprietorship through Hong Kong’s Business Registration Office.
Why do companies need a Certificate of Incorporation?
When doing businesses with Hong Kong companies, you want to ensure the entity you are working with is a legitimate entity. You may request the other party to provide a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation.
What information is on Certificate of Incorporation?
Main information displayed on a Certificate of Incorporation includes:
Registration number
Certificate type
Official company name in English, Traditional Chinese, or both
Date of Issued
What information is on Certificate of Incorporation?
The Certificate of Incorporation is a dual-language document, in English language and traditional Chinese language.

Sign up for free trial of Hi-Secretary (the Hong Kong Company Secretary Software):

What is Hi-Secretary?
Hi-Secretary is an all-in-one solution for small and large firms, and end-users to fulfill company secretary tasks and visa application tasks, reduce cost, minimize paperwork, improve security of all recorded data, and work remotely from anywhere. Consider the cases below:
Incorporation of a new Hong Kong company with 1 shareholder holding 100% shares
Incorporation of a new company with multiple shareholders, each with different percentage of shares
Change of a company secretary or a sole director
Change of a shareholder's particulars
... and many more tasks, can be completed on Hi-Secretary


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