Описание к видео KAWAII GOTHIC LOLITA Room Tour! Surprise!

This week I'm taking a bit of a break from true crime content so I have more time to research for you guys! Come with me as I show you my little filming/beauty room. Sorry the sound isn't the quality were used to, but this was a good learning experience for me! Next week I'll be back with another episode of Mortalitea.

INSTA: @maesmortem

Information on Lolita and it's history:
Excerpt from the above article:
"Is Lolita fashion related to the 1958 novel Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov or the film directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1962? The simple answer is no, not at all. Here is a more complex answer: On hearing the word Lolita, many English speakers tend to think about the film or novel and thus make an association to the sexual and erotic aspects of these works. Many people who wear this fashion in North America are often asked if “Lolita fashion” is in any way sexual. Even when told it is in no way connected to the novel or the film, the cultural association is so strong that some have a difficult time processing this information.

It is important to remember that the novel is told from the perspective of Humbert Humbert. Dolores does not have voice—the reader does not know her thoughts or feelings. Humbert tells the story, Humbert is the one who sexualizes Dolores when he calls her Lolita and a nymphet. Prior to the novel, Lolita was the nickname for Dolores and did not have the nymphet connotations."


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