Shogun: Lord Toranaga Questions Blackthorne On The British, Dutch, Letters Of Marque, And Piracy

Описание к видео Shogun: Lord Toranaga Questions Blackthorne On The British, Dutch, Letters Of Marque, And Piracy

Shogun: Lord Yoshi Toranaga (Toshiro Mifune) questions Pilot-Major John “Anjin-San” Blackthorne (Richard Chamberlain) on a number of topics ranging from The English and The Dutch being allies, British Crown Letters Of Marque that give them authority to war on their enemies (Spain and Portugal) and seize all captured goods. The penalty in Japan for breaking the one law for all is dealt with immediately by death. Toranaga further discusses trade and piracy.

Shogun, The Millions-Of-Copies Sold Novel, was written by James Clavell. The Masterpiece Television Mini Series was Produced by NBC and Paramount Studios, Directed by Jerry London, Screenplay by Eric Bercovici, Director Of Photography Andrew Laszlo, Production Executive Frank Cardea, with Production Designer Joseph Jennings. Shogun starred: Richard Chamberlain (as Pilot-Major John Blackthorne), Toshiro Mifune (as Lord Yoshi Toranaga), Yoko Shimada (The Lady Toda Buntaro Mariko), Frankie Sakai (as Lord Kashigi Yabu), Alan Badel (as Jesuit Father Visitor Dell’Aqua), Michael Hordern (as Friar Domingo), Damien Thomas (as Jesuit Father Martin Alvito), John Rhys-Davies (Portuguese Pilot Vasco Rodrigues), Vladek Sheybal (as Portuguese Captain Ferriera), George Innes (as Ship Hand Vinck), Leon Lissek (as Portuguese Jesuit Father Sebastio), Yuki Meguro (as Kashigi Omi), Hideo Takamatsu (as Lord Toda Buntaro), Hiromi Senno (as Consort Usagi Fujiko), and Nobuo Kaneko (as Lord Ishido Kazunari). Many people were involved in the making of this classic masterpiece. There was an A-List Cast, an A-List Director, an A-List Musical Score from Maurice Jarre, and A-List production quality with amazing sets and intricate costumes, detailed for that time era. Narration by the famous and powerful voice of Orson Welles.

(Note: Video scenes must be short in order to meet Youtube’s Copyright Requirements.)

There is a new Shogun coming out on the FX Channel in February 2024. We will cover scenes from the upcoming FX Mini Series, and see how it measures up to the 1980’s NBC and Paramount Production.

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