Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs)by Avrendra Singh Indomethacin,Phenylbutazone,Ibuprofen

Описание к видео Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs(NSAIDs)by Avrendra Singh Indomethacin,Phenylbutazone,Ibuprofen

In this video explain Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs in very simple way, This video is very easily understand by students, i used very simple language with pictures basically this video is for D. Pharm and B. pharm Students. it is very important and easy to understand and learn, in this video details about Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs, Mode of action, and location Diagnostic Agents of Classification of Non Steroidal Anti inflammatory Drugs , Structure, IUPAC name, Brand Name, Properties and uses, official preparation of Indomethacin, Phenylbutazone and Ibuprofen.

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