Payback time! First passenger flight: briefing and a visit to a busy Brasschaat (EBBT) - with ATC

Описание к видео Payback time! First passenger flight: briefing and a visit to a busy Brasschaat (EBBT) - with ATC

See description below (with timestamps at the bottom).


EBCI 091320Z 14007KT 110V180 CAVOK 17/05 Q1019 NOSIG
EBCI 091350Z 12009KT 100V160 CAVOK 17/04 Q1018 NOSIG
EBAW 091420Z AUTO 12010KT 090V150 9999 17/06 Q1018
EBAW 091450Z AUTO 12010KT 9999 17/06 Q1018
EBAW 091520Z AUTO 12009KT 9999 16/07 Q1017
EBCI 091550Z VRB07KT CAVOK 16/04 Q1017 NOSIG
EBCI 091620Z 12006KT 090V160 CAVOK 15/05 Q1017 NOSIG

As promised at the end of the previous flight, this time I really wanted to take a passenger with me, and who could have been a better candidate than the pilot who took me flying first before I started my PPL. Back then Olivier flew me from Grimbergen to Brasschaat and back, and on the way - especially on the return leg - I also got to take the controls of the C172 for some time for some straight and level flying, and some easy turns (to which I prepared by flying the same plane in X-Plane 11 for more than 50 hours over the previous summer). It was only logical to take the same destination airfield for this flight too, especially since I have not been to EBBT before with the Sonaca 200.

My main goal with this video was the documentation of a relatively detailed passenger briefing, which is shown basically uncut over the first minutes. I think it went very well for a first attempt. Then it is the usual flying followed by a relatively detailed arrival to EBBT, to illustrate how busy the circuit area was (gliders, a tow plane, a solo student, and various pilots joining and leaving the circuit - with only air-to-air communication and no AFIS present) on this sunny Sunday afternoon. The return flight is not shown in that much detail (except for some nice views of Antwerp while crossing the still inactive CTR, and a few shots of the slightly unusual arrival at EBCI), since it was quite similar to my return from Breda, plus my main GoPro decided to stop recording before take-off (probably something to do with me not closing the GoPro app on my phone after setting the field of view in there).

It was a fun flight, I will definitely try to fly with other pilots (and friends) often in the future, it is nice to share this experience with others. On a technical note, thanks to the purchase of a 3rd GoPro I don't have to move my secondary camera around anymore in the cockpit during the flight, which is a welcome improvement both in terms of production quality and flight safety. Now if I could get an external camera too that would be awesome, but this will not happen as long as I am flying with the school's planes. (If anybody wants to sponsor me with a plane, you know where to reach me.)

00:00 Full passenger briefing
02:21 Change in the VFR clearance due to RWY switched from 24 to 06
02:49 Checking in with Tower at RWY 06 (Hi to the usual friendly controller!)
03:36 Take-off RWY 06 (then views of the commercial Terminal and the apron)
05:12 Checking in with Brussels Information
05:40 Photo opportunity for my passenger
06:48 Some VOR navigation (many will follow during the first leg)
07:32 First time seeing our house from the Sonaca 200 (views abeam Leuven)
08:31 Belgium needs some mountains
08:49 Traffic information
09:14 Short arrival briefing for EBBT
10:00 Arriving to the vicinity of EBBT (initial radio call, only air-to-air radio, lot of traffic)
10:45 Potential callsign confusion (requesting full callsign use)
11:37 Joining the circuit at EBBT
12:30 Glider-spotting from downwind
13:21 Turning left base EBBT RWY 16
14:26 Final EBBT RWY 16
14:55 Landing EBBT RWY 16 (followed by two side view replays)
16:11 Plane spotting after vacating the RWY
17:08 Short discussion after parking
18:08 Quick route briefing for the return leg
18:28 Low-pass spotting then departing EBBT RWY 16
18:49 Views of Antwerp around the MAS
19:45 A bit of in-flight discussion: nice weather, me being a "good pilot" :)
20:12 Contacting EBCI Tower for landing instructions
20:42 "Start orbiting to the right..."
21:23 Direct left base, then short turn to final
21:50 Landing EBCI RWY 06 and quick vacating for B737 behind us
23:06 Two happy pilots thank you for watching!


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