How Do I Make My Videos? (Process, Technology, & Tools Revealed!)

Описание к видео How Do I Make My Videos? (Process, Technology, & Tools Revealed!)

Students, educators, and aspiring video-makers have asked: How Do I Make My Videos? This short video provides an answer. It is a general overview of my video-making process, step-by-step. It conveys the typical sequence with occasional technical details. You'll learn about my research, audio production, video-construction, and post-production stages. Anyone who is considering making their first video will benefit from watching. However, more detailed tutorials are available widely across YouTube, and I recommend the great team at Design with Canva ( Near the end of the video, I name several of the technologies and tools that I prefer and use.

00:29—Choosing and Developing a Topic
00:39—The Script
00:59—Examples of Editing Audio
01:18—The Creative Design Process (with Examples from INFIDEOS)
01:54—The Heart of Video Making
02:24—Returing to the Audio Dimension (Music and Sound Effects)
02:48—Editing and Refining the Video
03:02—Feedback from a Trusted Colleague (Deep Thoughts from Professor Steve Fuller)
03:16—Uploading and YouTube Administration
03:32—Promotion and Use of Videos in Teaching
03:44—Onward to the Next Video!
03:51—Survey of My Video-Making Technologies and Tools
4:38—Conclusion: Teaching in a Multimedia Information Age


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