My Sleeping Karma - Tri (2010)

Описание к видео My Sleeping Karma - Tri (2010)

01. Brahama - 0:00
02. Parvati - 7:36
03. Tamas - 9:40
04. Sattva - 15:14
05. Shiva - 18:20
06. Vishnu - 23:39
07. Lakshmi - 25:58
08. Rajas - 32:07
09. Sarasvati - 34:07

Their website reads "My Sleeping Karma combines the organic aspect of psychedelic groove rock with emotional shades of aphasian landscapes". This is just really good Space meets Stoner/Psychedelic groove rock of the highest order and with this, the third installment from My Sleeping Karma; the band have produced a Space Rocking album that is going to be hard to beat in the world of Cosmic, Progressive Stoner Rock. The German four-piece's instrumental spacey excursions have always been enjoyable. This album takes their sound and style to its ultimate level, not only in terms of musicianship but also in the atmosphere the album creates.

As with the previous album, guitar player Seppi seems to be the force behind the songs, his guitar approach is organic as well as multi-dimensionally progressive. Influences range from Ash Ra Tempel to King Crimson to early Hawkwind. This is clear on the albums opener "Brahama". This song flirts with Heavy Prog Rock and more traditional infectious Stoner Rock sections while the following "Parvati" is an very ethereal interlude setting up the mood for the third track "Tamas" which sounds like a long-lost Hawkwind jam, its very spacey but also energetic. "Sattva" in turn uses layers of synths before heading into one the albums highlights in "Shiva". The sonic experimentation crosses over many styles and sounds from early 70's Space Rock to the modern post-rock styles used extensively by Neurosis, Isis and Mogwai.

"Vishnu" kicks off the second half of the album in an introspective vibe before erupting into more cosmic goodness with "Lakshmi" which is another highlight and this high-point is maintained through the closing "Rajas" which is played out as epilogue of sorts to "Lakshmi" and then the album closes with the most complex track on the album in "Sarasvati". The Jazz Fusion overtones mixed with the Space Rock vibe really works well on this powerful closing number. They strike an amazing balance between Space/Stoner Rock and Progressive Rock without really fitting into either genre, this produces a uniqueness to the band. The songs seem complex in the way they are constructed but the playing isn't overly technical. My Sleeping Karma will mean something different to every person that hears them and that is something unique right there. One thing is certain and that is the band have progressed much faster than most bands will ever do. At only 40 minutes in total running time, this is a recording that takes no effort to listen to, it is a musically, captivating journey.

Great full album by My Sleeping Karma. Enjoy Tri!


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