Reducing inequalities in the food system through an intersectional lens | CFS 51 Side Event 28

Описание к видео Reducing inequalities in the food system through an intersectional lens | CFS 51 Side Event 28

Reducing inequalities in the food system through an intersectional lens

The Reducing Inequalities workstream will offer the opportunity to continue the dialogues on deeply rooted inequalities and persist in the demands coming from the constituencies and territories. One of the common threads is the necessity of an intersectional approach in the analysis of issues and the development of effective policy and the participation of those with lived experiences in policy making, including in the CFS.

The HLPE Zero Draft of Reducing inequalities defines intersectionality as interrelated and mutually shaping categories that describe groups who are minoritized and marginalized for instance by race and ethnicity, gender, age or ability. These discriminations intersect, shaping experiences of power asymmetries and contributing to further health and nutrition inequalities. In other words, intersectionality acknowledges that multiple forms of oppression intersect and compound the experience of other discrimination leading to unique experiences and challenges. The HLPE report also acknowledges that most systemic drivers of food and nutrition insecurity are rooted in power imbalances. Therefore, an intersectional approach to the question of food security and nutrition helps to inclusively develop sustainable policy responses addressing the multiple and intersecting forms of oppression and discrimination that different social groups experience and leading to a long-term fundamental overcoming of these structural inequalities.


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