Shangó (Changó) Meditation Music | African Orisha Deity | Overcome Obstacles, Bring Justice

Описание к видео Shangó (Changó) Meditation Music | African Orisha Deity | Overcome Obstacles, Bring Justice

Shango, a prominent deity in the Yoruba religion, embodies the powerful forces of thunder, lightning, and fire. This Orisha is renowned for his strength, vitality, and fierce nature. Shango is often depicted as a tall, muscular figure adorned with a crown and wielding a double-headed axe. His personality is characterized by his passion, charisma, and his ability to inspire both fear and respect. Shango is considered a patron of justice, courage, and masculine power. He is associated with dance, music, and drums, which are believed to evoke his thunderous presence. Devotees of Shango seek his guidance and protection, especially in matters of leadership and personal transformation. His dynamic energy serves as a reminder of the balance between power and responsibility, making Shango a revered and complex figure within the Yoruba pantheon.

Relax your mind and body with beautiful, soothing healing music. Create a comforting ambiance as you meditate or simply relax in your home, day or night. Sound is one of the major sources of creation. Sounds have been scientifically observed and recorded as they affected their immediate environment. Healing sounds that contain particular frequencies may improve your overall well-being, while quickly providing a sense of calm to your nervous system.

Music and visuals by Omo Spirit Music

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Not a substitute for medical or professional care. Do not listen while driving or operating heavy machinery.


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