DTU Library Lunch Talk: Nothing new under the sun - the suns lasting role in climate change

Описание к видео DTU Library Lunch Talk: Nothing new under the sun - the suns lasting role in climate change

DTU Library Lunch Talk:
Nothing new under the sun - the suns lasting role in climate change

Prof. Nir J. Shaviv, Racah Institute of Physics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

We will review the data showing that solar variations play an important role in climate change and also discuss why such variations are important for the understanding of 20th and 21st century climate change. We will then consider the evidence pointing to the mechanism responsible for this link - solar modulation of the cosmic ray flux reaching the Earth and its effect on cloud cover.

DTU Space; Nir Shaviv; Climate change; Suns effect on Earth´s climate; Sola Modulation; Cosmic Ray


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