Fighting Monkey — INTENSIVE 5, SLOVAKIA, 2017

Описание к видео Fighting Monkey — INTENSIVE 5, SLOVAKIA, 2017

Fighting Monkey Intensive 5
8-13 August, Slovakia

How much courage do you have to step into the Unknown?

In this event the whole team of Fighting Monkey Practice and Research will be present to make sure you get the most out of the greater topic of this year’s research: Biology-Time-Meaningful Ageing.

With respect to the above topic, the team has designed and established a laboratory for you, where you are invited to seriously reconsider physicality in terms of practicality and actual context, manual work as non divided from intellectual and coordination/rythm as a way to communicate and grow.

90 three-dimensioned wooden objects, beams-cubes-spheres, from 10 up to 60 kilos each, will stand as the alphabet of your new language, as basic and primal matter for exploring new grounds of your development.

Some objects will be given to you, some you will create on your own. Furthermore, you will be introduced to new movement situations and new tools to enhance your kinetic potential, coordination skills, neurological efficiency and overall power.

You will have the chance to be introduced to chronobiology and the major circadian cycles of development as well as those of the ageing process by a unique guest, Prof. RNDr. Michal Zeman, DrSc., who has been a top researcher in the field for more than 35 years.

All the above will be examined always through revisiting the basic concepts of Fighting Monkey Practice: Earthquake Architecture, Anatomy of injury, Anatomy of Events.

Workshop address:
Hlavná 140, 013 02 Gbeľany, Slovakia

Dates: Tuesday, 8 August 2017 — Sunday 13 August 2017

Arrival: Monday 7 August 2017 — Departure: Monday 14 August 2017

Time: Tuesday to Sunday 09:00-16:00

Participation: Fighting Monkey Intensive is for those of you who want to become independent teachers, coaches or instructors and wish dive into the research and methodology of Fighting Monkey Practice in more depth.

Available spots: 30 participants

For more details and information about the payment options please contact us on: [email protected]

Video by Mike Rafail
Music by Vassilis Mantzoukis


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