John Dee - The Monas Hieroglyphica - Part I - History and Context

Описание к видео John Dee - The Monas Hieroglyphica - Part I - History and Context

This is part one of a series discussing Dr. John Dee's revolutionary, though obscure, 1564 text the Monas Hieroglyphica (The Hieroglyphic Monad). In part one we will discuss the philosophical and historical context of the text and present the main thesis of our analysis: Dee is seeking to reform human knowledge through using a powerful symbol to purify specifically alchemy and cabala. Part two will explore Dee's theory of alchemy and cabala and part three will show how the Hieroglyphic Monad has its power through combining the semiotic (representational) and the ontological (being itself).

These episodes represent a more introductory version of my thesis on the Monas Hieroglyphica prepared at the University of Amsterdam.

You can read the entire thesis here:

Standard text and translation of the Monas Hieroglyphica - C. H. Josten, Ambix, 12:2-3 (1964): 82-221

I'll provide more recommended readings on the Monas Hieroglyphica in the third episode.

#dee #enochian #monas


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