HOW to INSTALL Victron BMV-712 smart battery monitor in DIY CAMPERvan. More van electrical setup!!

Описание к видео HOW to INSTALL Victron BMV-712 smart battery monitor in DIY CAMPERvan. More van electrical setup!!

This is how we have fitted our Victron Energy bmv-712 smart battery monitor with Bluetooth into our camper electrics. We chose this monitor as it comes with a shunt so gives a much better reading from your battery bank. It also connects to the victron connect app so you can see it all on your phone!! Emily did most of the work as we were keen to show that anyone can convert a van into a campervan with a bit of research!

Please bear in mind that we are not qualified electricians, just using knowledge we have gained through our own conversions.

You can find Emilys blog post here (including wiring diagram)

Victron BMV-712 smart battery monitor

Cable cutter (large)

Cable crimper (large)

Socket set

Set of 3 adjustable spanners

Negative bus bar

*We use affiliate links from which we earn a small percentage at no extra cost to yourself. Most of this is used to keep emilys snack cupboard topped up but occasionally she lets Lou have some to buy the dog treats!


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