vpme.de and Matze - Workshop at SchneidersLaden

Описание к видео vpme.de and Matze - Workshop at SchneidersLaden

Vladimir Pantelic aka vpme.de - creator of the Euclidean Circles and the new Quad Drum Voice came to SchneidersLaden for a workshop. We learned more about Vladimirs modules and the ideas behind them. He was joined by Matze from Instant who played some music for us.

The Euclidean Circles has found many many fans for being so simple and complex at the same time - six sequences arranged in three LED circles that give you excellent visual reference of what is happening.
And the signature element of the Euclidean Circles also made it to the latest vpme.de module - the Quad Drum Voice. This complex digital module has so much more to offer than it first seems. Each voice can either be a drum synth, wavetable oscillator or sample player and there is a mixer, EQ and compressor built in!


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