Mana Wahine - Niihau Language

Описание к видео Mana Wahine - Niihau Language

The island of Niihau is the only place in the world where "Hawaiian" is the primary language. Their specific dialect dates back to how the native Hawaiians spoke before missionaries arrived. It's estimated that there are at least 500 native speakers left, and some worry that with each generation that passes… that dialect may be lost. Dr. Kuuipolani Kanahele Wong and Kahea Faria... who were raised on Niihau… are part of a movement to preserve and perpetuate "Olelo Kanaka Niihau."

"Ma ane'i nei ua olelo ia aneane mate ta olelo aka ma Niihau aole no pela ta mea ma Niihau mau no ta olelo mai ta wa, mai o to matou poe tupuna, to lakou poe tupuna, a to matou mau matua a laila hiti mai ia matou."
(Translation: Unlike our other Hawaiian islands, the language almost became extinct. But Niihau has continued the language from the time of our kupuna, their kupuna, our parents, now and to our generation.)

One thing that makes the Niihau dialect unique is the use of the letter "T." The original Hawaiian language used the letter until missionaries documenting the language replaced "T" with "K". The other islands adapted to that… not Niihau.

What are you doing today? (English) He aha kau hana o keia la? (Hawaiian)

He aha tau hana o teia la (Olelo Niihau)

"The Niihau language exists as a community. It's not just what we teach in school. It's actually a language that nurtures the speaker from the time they're born."

"They know things, they learn, they dream, they live in the language"

The women are working with multiple organizations to implement programs and language initiatives across the state. They teach for the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Dr. Wong at Kawaihuelani Center for Hawaiian Language... and Kahea Faria... for the college of education. They're also spearheading a movement called "Ka leo o na kupa". It's a partnership with the Malie Foundation and County of Kauai… to secure funding for school curriculum, workshops and educational tools.

"Mahalo pu i teia ohana Lopikana no to lakou malama ana i teia olelo ma ta aina"
( Translation: Mahalo to the Robinson family for their work in perpetuating the Hawaiian language on Niihau.)

He mahalo no hoi ketahi ia OHA no to latou tatoo ana i ta puta ana o tela mau tumu.
(Translation: Mahalo to OHA for supporting the teacher training program.)

"He hana pu ma waena o ta kula hoonaauo, kula Kawaihuelani, ma ta kula nui a me ta hana pu ana me na kanaka i hanai, hanau ia ma ta olelo kanaka."
(Translation: Collaborative work between the College of Education and Kawaihuelani at UH-Manoa, and partnering with a native speaking community.)

With each student... and each lesson... it's another step toward ensuring that olelo Kanaka Niihau will live on forever.

"Manaolana wau o ta manaolana no teia mua aku oia hoi ta hoomau ia o ta olelo Niihau i loko o ta ohana Niihau a me ta poe e hoihoi ana e a'o mai i ta olelo Niihau. He mea tela e hiti ai i ta olelo te hoomau ia no na hanauna e hiti mai ana. "
(Translation: Perpetuating the Niihau language within the families and those interested in learning, so that the language continues into future generations.)


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