Oregon May Have A New Serial Killer

Описание к видео Oregon May Have A New Serial Killer

Brian Entin landed in Portland, Oregon as a group of mothers banded together to fight for justice. At issue? Their daughters, who they believe were killed by the same man: Jesse Lee Calhoun. Calhoun was serving a four-year sentence following convictions for assault of a police officer, attempting to strangle a police dog and burglary, among other offenses...and had his sentence cut short in 2021, when then-Gov. Kate Brown commuted the sentences of a number of prisoners as thanks for serving as volunteer firefighters. Calhoun has since found himself back in prison for violating his release conditions - but in the interim? That's when five women were found dead in the span of three months in 2023. Police initially said the deaths were unrelated, but later changed their tune - and these moms led the charge. Brian's spoken exclusively with these moms - and is sharing their stories. Don't forget, to see everything that Brian is working on, tune into NewsNation - find your screen at JoinNN.com


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