The Experiment Roblox | Showdown Badge

Описание к видео The Experiment Roblox | Showdown Badge

These are the Showdown steps simplified if you already have prior experience in the game:
1. Obtain Relic
2. Wait for Hunter to spawn and let it capture you and hold the relic in its dimension.

For players who have less experience or need a step-by-step tutorial:

First Segment-

1. First, grab the screwdriver that spawns infront ofthe door as seen in the video.
2. Go to Control Room and obtain card L1 and Orange Disk.
3. Play Orange Disk and wait for it to show that Storage is open or looks like the video.
4. Go to Office Complex 3 and you can get card L2 (optional), Red Disk, and Battery A.
5. Play Red Disk and wait until an earthquake and a wall appears on screen.
6. Go to Containment A and on your right there should be a wall that appears to be broken. Push on it like the video until you get to the red room and click on the pipe wheel.
Second Segment-(Service Tunnels)

1. You will first want to get Old Card as shown in the video (if the pathway is blocked it means you did not do step 6 previously correctly).
2. You will search around tunnels until you find 3 tiny notes that contain colors and symbols as shown in the video. Piece them together as following: Starter, Connector, and Finisher.
3. Turn on all power in Service Tunnels which can be done by wandering around and checking all power boxes, or going to the Safe Room/Elevator room as shown in the video. The ones that are red means that they are off and need to be turned on in order to open Part 2 in Tunnels.
4. Go to Lab 6 and input your Container Code into the machine and obtain your container for Service Tunnels part 2.
5. Using the Battery A you received from Office Complex 3 earlier, you will recycle it at Lab 7 to get Battery C.
6. Going back to tunnels, open the door near powerbox 5 using Battery C (shown in video) and obtain Old Disk.
7. Open Part 2 of tunnels, the large door with 10/10 power, using the container you obtained at Lab 6 (If it does not work, either not all power is on, or if your container explodes, that means it was the wrong container code) After opening part 2, you can follow my steps to obtain Pliers.
8. Play Old Disk and listen to it until a color code pops up like Blue-Yellow.
9. Going back to Service Tunnels you will again go to part 2 and go right like the video until you reach a crate room. Input the color code you received from Old Disk and open the crate using the Screwdriver and Pliers. Obtain relic and you are done for this part. (if you do not receive a relic inside the crate, that means your color code is wrong)
Third Segment-

As said in the video, you can repeatedly teleport anywhere until Hunter spawns. I chose Archives because it is an open space to hear when he spawns and you get caught by collector easily but you can choose anywhere.
1. Wait for Hunter to spawn. If you are unsure about what he looks like, look at the video.
2. Make eye contact with him until he kidnaps you to his reddish dimension.
3. Hold the Relic in your hand. If just holding it in your hand isn't enough, feed it to the mouth looking structure in his dimension.
4. After you get teleported back to place you were before, the badge should appear.

Reminder: Doing this does not kill Hunter permanently, he will spawn again. This badge is also a singular badge meaning that the person who fed him the relic will only get the badge, not the rest of the server.


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