NUS Dorm Guide‼️Should you join Hall?【Hall | RC | Residence】

Описание к видео NUS Dorm Guide‼️Should you join Hall?【Hall | RC | Residence】

NUS Hostel Guide! Should you join Hall? 我在NUS学到的第一件事 竟然是打麻将?!

*subtitles work in progress! (sorry)

00:21 What is Hall?
02:41 Kent Ridge & Sheares
03:54 Eusoff & Temasek
04:53 King Edward VII & PGPH
07:29 Raffles Hall

08:09 What is RC?
10:11 What is Student Residence?
11:13 Is it worth to stay during COVID period? | My CCAs & Hall stress

Useful links
‣‣ All Rates & Prices
‣‣ Residential College Programmes
‣‣ Application Steps & Deadlines
‣‣ NUS Campus Map

friendly reminder: check out some honest reviews on reddit too!

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‣‣ @zhishinn
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Hey! zhishinn here :)
A Penang girl studying business at the National University of Singapore (NUS) !
Featuring my uni life as a Year 1 NUS Business School student :)
Hope u guys enjoy it and I really appreciate every like, comment and share from yall!


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