Atheists Have a Burden of Proof | Burden of Proof Changing | 8

Описание к видео Atheists Have a Burden of Proof | Burden of Proof Changing | 8

#atheist #god #debate

00:00 Introduction
00:19 How Burden of Proof Shifts
00:36 Example of a Conversation
01:28 Recognizing and Navigating the Shifts
01:46 The Pitfall of Shifting the Goalposts
02:02 Conclusion

The burden of proof isn't a static responsibility. Instead, it often shifts back and forth between the participants.

Multiple times, I hear some Atheists state they don't have to provided the burden of proof in conversations about the existence of a god. This series aims at dispelling this notion.

This video series will be released on Mondays at 6 EST.

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