Gabin Jabba Swat l Lalkoo l Kalakot Swat l Drone 4K l Exploring Pakistan

Описание к видео Gabin Jabba Swat l Lalkoo l Kalakot Swat l Drone 4K l Exploring Pakistan

#gabinjabba #swat #zunair
Gabin Jabba - Least Known Paradise of Pakistan means Honey Marshes, is a scenic high altitude meadows. Can be accessed easily from Mingora City in 3 easy steps;

1.Drive 40Km on Metal Road from Mingora to Kalakot (Kalam Mingora Road
2. Drive 18Km on off road trek till Lalkoo Village (motorcycle or 4x4 is recommended)
3. Hike for 1.5 - 2 Hours to Gabin Jabba and Swat Paradise awaits you :P

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