What in the world is a Rocky Talkie? Why is it the best? Unboxing a great little radio.

Описание к видео What in the world is a Rocky Talkie? Why is it the best? Unboxing a great little radio.

I love the Rocky Talkie and let me show you why. (Not a sponsored video)

Useful links:

Buy your very own Rocky Talkie here: https://rockytalkie.pxf.io/c/5690992/...

Rocky Talkie's instructional video:    • How to use the Mountain Radio - Rocky...  

Rocky Talkie's instruction manual where you can find the DCS and CTCSS codes to enable you to talk with radios of other brands: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/024...

Midland DCS and CTCSS codes for cross reference (page 27-28): https://midlandusa.com/wp-content/upl...

What in the world are DCS and CTCSS codes?: https://www.k0tfu.org/reference/frs-g...


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