Описание к видео KAPLAN MT

Its unique design provides the lowest silhouette and highest power to weight ratio in its class. Its platform is designed for optimum weight and high mobility performance. The latest technology power pack of the vehicle is combined with advanced electronic controlled systems, Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and a heavy-duty suspension, which enables the vehicle to ensure the freedom of high, reliable and continuous power during expeditionary maneuvers on the battlefield for day and night operations.

KAPLAN MT’s design architecture provides a superior level of battlefield survivability which comprises of advanced ballistic, best-in-class mine protection systems and adequate firepower against battlefield threats with great speed of response within a short period of time.
KAPLAN MT is equipped with day and thermal cameras for the driver, a multi-functional digital driver dashboard and a 3rd generation high performance sight system for the gunner and commander. In addition, Battlefield Management System (BMS) and Laser Warning System (LWS) are also available to provide tactical and situational awareness for the crew.

Unique Anti-Armored Punch for KAPLAN MT is fitted with the latest generation CMI Defence Cockerill® 3105 turret equipped with high-pressure 105 mm Cockerill® gun. The Cockerill® C3105 is the most advanced and capable light 105 mm turret in its class. It is ideal for infantry support and medium weight tank roles. The C3105 has a unique indirect firing capability that permits engagement in urban and multi-complex terrains.


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