[DVD] Radiohead - Les Eurockeennes de Belfort 2003 [Full Concert]

Описание к видео [DVD] Radiohead - Les Eurockeennes de Belfort 2003 [Full Concert]

Les Eurockeenes 2003 as requested by maartenb.

I know I've been uploading quite a lot over the past 3 days, but it has been due to all of these videos coming in all at the same time. I don't really have anything else in the pipelines after this. We'll see what I can find. You're more than welcome to message me your suggestions.

I found this on eMule and it took a while to download, hehe.

Track Listing
There There
Morning Bell
Talk Show Host
The National Anthem (outro: Hunting Bears)
The Gloaming
Fake Plastic Trees
Sail To The Moon
My Iron Lung
Where I End and You Begin
Paranoid Android
After the Gold Rush
Everything In Its Right Place
Exit Music (for a film)
Kid A
Karma Police

This post contains Rapidshare links to a DVD of this


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