Fun with LiveData (Android Dev Summit '18)

Описание к видео Fun with LiveData (Android Dev Summit '18)

LiveData is a simple observable data holder that is aware of the lifecycle of the observers. It was designed to avoid memory leaks and null pointer exceptions between an activity or fragment and a ViewModel.

However, you can also use LiveData beyond the ViewModel. Components like Room or Workmanager also expose LiveData observables, and you can make your own data sources lifecycle-aware.

In this talk, we'll deep dive into patterns with LiveData such as the different types of transformations (map, switchMap and MediatorLiveData), handling events and building reactive architectures as well as common antipatterns and code-smells to avoid.

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I/O app →

Presented by: Jose Alcérreca & Yigit Boyar

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#AndroidDevSummit" event: Android Dev Summit 2018; re_ty: Publish; product: Android - Jetpack; fullname: Jose Alcérreca, Yigit Boyar;


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