The Battle Bricks: 3 Star Infernus Takedown (OUTDATED)

Описание к видео The Battle Bricks: 3 Star Infernus Takedown (OUTDATED)

This setup is very uber heavy. If you don't have them then that sucks ig. There's a guide down here too so take a look

The battlers, and how many you want at a time:
1) Builder battler [Inf]
2) Lil' Exec [1]
3) Micspammer battler [3]
4) Rail battler [Inf, but only when needed]
5) Maxwell [1]
6) Raigquitter [2]
7) Conjuror [At least 5]
8) B. Money [whatever]

Use Ignition and Recoil

To setup:
1) Spawn B. Money as soon as possible. Yield on upgrading the bank for now

2) When the first shieldman crosses the swords nearby your base, spawn one raigquitter and builder.

3) Spawn a Lil' Exec and wait for the set of katanas to approach the first shieldman. Once the first one attacks (or is close to), use recoil.
If the shieldman is on the other side of builders' wall, you will have to wait for katana to attack.

4) Spawn a micspammer, you'll need one until you start pushing. Start upgrading the bank from here.

5) Wait for the first telamon to approach. Lil' Exec should be in range to buff all units until you start pushing.
If Lil' Exec is too far to buff your micspammer, let the telamon kill it and spawn a new one.
I suggest maxxing the bank out here. Once the telamon is close enough, spawn builders sparingly. Spawn another raigquitter and slowly start spawning Conjurors

6) To push up, spawn your Maxwell to bait giants.
Until further notice, spam Builders as much as possible.
Fire recoil whenever you can to push infernus, you need to earn as much ground as possible for this to work.
When you get enough distance to where the Micspammer isn't buffed by Lil' Exec, begin stacking them. Make sure they chain their attacks into eachother to stunlock peons on the field.

7) If all goes well and he enters phase 2, stop sending frontline units if they die (Exec, Raigquitter, Maxwell). Focus on spamming Builders and stacking Micspammers and Rails.
Builders will be able to bait out infernus with his extended reach.
If you pushed infernus far out enough (Onto or near his throne) then your rail battlers should be safe from armageddon. If they die, reset instantly

8) Phase 3 is the biggest "cross your fingers and pray" part. If you have enough rails, they'd be able to gun down infernus and any small peons that get in the way. But if they lose sight of infernus and die, restart.

9) If you kill infernus, wait for him to throw his hissy fit, and then build your frontline again. Stop spamming rails.
You may stop sending builder when they can push on their own.


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