Become Fumo UPDATE!

Описание к видео Become Fumo UPDATE!

On the 10th of May, I hopped in a server of Become Fumo and saw that the creator, Okuechi (formerly known as scary08) happened to be there. He seemed to be speaking of plans to stop bringing updates to this game and move on to something new. The game's last update at that time occurred on April Fool's day. Later on the 20th of July, the game received news of continuation (I doubt this was a heavily dragged April Fool's joke because of the long time that had passed, and especially because Okuechi deleted his Twitter account). Many things have been added to the game since then.

This video contains footage from May 10th (Okuechi's message) and the contents of the updates from July up to August 18th.
A timestamp for:
05:02 – Updates

Oh yes, for now when you join the game the following message is displayed:
"UPDATE 7/20/22: Most of my team has returned to me miraculously. We are still working on re-doing all of the missing fumos. In the mean-time, I think this game is here to stay for a while longer - Okuechi"


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