SaGa Frontier 2 (PSX) Final Boss and Ending

Описание к видео SaGa Frontier 2 (PSX) Final Boss and Ending

There it is, the final boss of the game. This is the version with maximum power, with none of the other Edelhitters defeated (before the final fight, you can defeat up to 4 Edelhitters to weaken the boss, at the cost of 2 of your characters being unable to participate in the final fight). The ending
of the video contains all the stories in chronological order.

Essential preparations for this battle are:

1: You MUST get petrification protection. As far as I know, there are only two items that can prevent that - Stone Plate or Blackstone Armor. One of the forms of the Egg will attempt to petrify all your characters in the first turn, and the only way to avoid this is with these armors. Stone Plate is dropped from the blue Skeleton enemy in Hanh Ruins (very rare). The Blackstone Armor can be dropped by the Gargoyle in both battles (one is a guaranteed prize, the other is a drop). If you don't have these items, don't even try fighting the boss like this.

2: At least two Dead Stones. The blue Skeleton in Hahn Ruins also drop those, but overall several undead enemies can drop it. You can also get one guaranteed in one of the many quests in the game. Equip those on your characters with the least amount of LP, in my case, Ginny and Primiera. The ideal is to have one for each character, but the RNG is terrible.

Other useful things are:
-Reviva, Guard Beast, Soul Hymn and Recovery Breath spells. Soul Hymn is particularly difficult to spark, the others are a lot easier.
-The best equipments you can find.
-The best combo skills you know. Ideally an "All Out Attack" (4 character combo).
-Character skill levels for their favorite weapons and elements nearing 45+.
-At least 750+ HP.

In my strategy, Primiera is the group tank, Roberto the magic support. Ginny and Gustaf are hybrids.
The real big hitters are Primiera and Gustaf, and they should be attacking as much as possible unless everyone is afflicted with bad statuses.

For the boss itself, it works like this: in the initial phase, the Egg will cycle between a total of 9 forms; 3 basic ones that just repeat the same attacks, and 6 that represent each of the Edelhitters still alive (in this case, all of them). Each form has a separate HP value that ranges from 11k (basic form 1) to 29k (fire form), and it'll change forms every 5 turns that goes on in the battle. If you can't beat a form in these 5 turns, it'll change forms randomly and that form will recover a percentage of its HP, LP, WP and SP that it had left.

The ideal is that you can attack the enemy with enough strength to kill the forms and avoid them to regenerate. All forms can use Star Quake, an attack that can cause great damage on the whole party and drain your LP, which isn't cool (and the reason to have the Dead Stones equipped). The Guard Beast spell can help you avoid this, but it isn't guaranteed. The Beast, Tree and Fire forms are the worst - the fire form is the strongest and has the most dangerous attacks, so don't hesitate to use your LPs to recover every turn during these forms. Fire is specially bad because its attacks can cause weakening on your characters. It's best to cure the status after you pass this phase. Hit it with everything!

Finishing this phase, the Egg will do another final form that has total HP of over 30k. This form you'll need to use whatever LP remaining to heal the Xenocide attack, or you'll be annihilated. Good luck! Definitely one of the hardest final bosses of the series up to now.

SaGa Frontier 2
1999, Square
All rights reserved to their respective creators.


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