Las Vegas shooting spree: a complete timeline

Описание к видео Las Vegas shooting spree: a complete timeline

Authorities said on Wednesday that the bullet that killed Jerad Miller came from a Las Vegas police officer's rifle, and not from his wife Amanda Miller, as had previously been reported.

The couple fatally shot two police officers and a civilian before they died in a gun battle with police in Las Vegas on Sunday (June 8).

The shooting began at 11:22 a.m. local time Sunday when Jerad, 31, and his wife Amanda Miller, 22, gunned down police officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo in a CiCi's Pizza. The two placed a yellow "Don't tread on me" flag and swastika on Beck's body and pinned a note about a "revolution" on Soldo's. Contrary to initial reports, Beck did not return fire before he was killed.
The violence continued inside a Wal-Mart across the street, where Joseph Robert Wilcox, a customer legally carrying a concealed handgun, was shot by Amanda Miller while confronting Jerad Miller.

Police responded within minutes and engaged in a gun battle with the Millers inside the Wal-Mart. Pinned down by police fire, the Millers pointed their guns at each other. Amanda Miller fired several shots at Jerad Miller before shooting herself in the heaqd. Authorities say an autopsy of Jerad Miller showed he was killed by a bullet fired from a police rifle.
A trail of social media posts and videos show the pair was obsessed with the idea of an armed revolution against the government. Neighbors say the couple spoke often of targeting police officers. White supremacist paraphernalia was found in their apartment.


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