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You've heard me rant on this channel before that we have 60,000 thoughts a day, right? That's what psychologists have found out. I don't know if they had a guy hit a button every single time you had a thought. Sounds exhausting. Well, in this video I want to dive deep into the subconscious and
the unconscious mind. And if you're like, okay, you know, I've already heard that before, or give me
something new. We're going to illustrate it with the journal here in the second camera. I have set up all
these fricking pens for you. Really dive deep and merge so many different concepts. So by the end of
this video, I guarantee that things will be clicking for you in a totally different way. This is Clark with
refusing to settle. Let's get in to this week's soul Sunday.

Refusers. Welcome back to soul Sunday. Excuse the, uh, it's not that bad. It's going to say messy. Terros
out of bounce house with my girlfriend's niece all day, jumping up and down like crazy. Diving in foam
pits. Ooh, good thing you can't smell through the camera yet. There's a daily dose of cringe. All right,
let's even to this let's, let's not set it up with not too much setup time. We're going to be talking about
three things. Okay? The conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind and how
these actually hold you back from the life you want. Or just like if you understand them, you have a key
and it unlocks all of change. I credit a lot of my energy shift and these videos and all the stuff to this
content. Um, over the past, I don't know how many weeks I've really been diving deep into it.

So if you want to make change in any area, health, wealth, relationships, this is the reason you can or
can't, can, you don't want to ignore this video. You don't want to skip this one. So anyway, let's keep it
short. Clark, here's the beautiful journal. Let's get into this. You guys ready? Arts and crafts with Clark
time. This right here is not Africa. This is your mind. And Freud was actually the first person to my
knowledge, to pioneer this. Sigmund Freud, the guy who was obsessed with his mom, right? And
thought everything was about sexual desire and edging. We're going to talk about this iceberg in this
video. So there's three parts to the mind. So Ford thought it was the ego, the superego, and the ID.
Recently, most psychologists and spirituality, [inaudible], metaphysics, they call it these three things. So
right up here, just just like an iceberg, right?

This is water. You have your conscious mind, all right? This is responsible for about 10% five to 10% of
your waking thoughts. So that is the tip of the iceberg, okay? So of your 60,000 thoughts around three to
6,000 thoughts a day are conscious. These change, these are things like again, willpower, goals,
decisions, actions, plans, analysis, anytime you have to think about things, um, that's where it is. And a
lot of people in the self development space, they watch a lot of videos about setting goals and how to
motivate yourself to not procrastinate, how to get more willpower, how to force yourself to take action.
Now let's dive deeper into this iceberg. Just like 90% beneath the surface, right? Sometimes even more.
This is where the real controlling factor of your life is happening. It's not appear. It's in here. All right, let
me set this up a little more.

This is like deep water on below. Next up we have your subconscious mind, and this is about a, you
could say 50 to 60% of your thoughts in a given day is subconscious. They're not conscious, like a good
example of subconscious mind. This is what happens when you're asleep. This is what psychologists say
you develop from the ages of zero to six years old. This is where all your values and beliefs and societal
norms get developed and it controls a majority of your life is subconscious. So if you want to make
change right now, I hope you're seeing is it better to go after the...

   • The EASIEST Way to PROGRAM Your SUBCO...  
   • The EASIEST Way to PROGRAM Your SUBCO...  


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