Snowy Ridge ⭐6.7 | FE2CM [NEW HARDEST]

Описание к видео Snowy Ridge ⭐6.7 | FE2CM [NEW HARDEST]

After 30+ hours I did it.

Current Difficulty: ⭐6.7
Personal Difficulty: ⭐6.8

I had a lot of trouble with this map. I went for it because desert ruins had the same star rating as snowy ridge. But I feel like Snowy Ridge is a lot harder than desert ruins. maybe I'm coping like a darn sigma from ohio but i refuse to believe desert ruins is the same difficulty. If this is a ⭐6.7, then I feel like Desert Ruins is a ⭐6.5 or ⭐6.4. anyways enough yappin like a beta drinking a grimace shake.

difficulty: 9/10
fun: 9/10


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