Downwell: normal time attack (

Описание к видео Downwell: normal time attack (

Didn't expect to get a sub 9-minute clear time yet. Switched weapons during boss because scared.

Route used:

Ignore enemies when you see an open space to drop unless gunboots need recharging. On normal you can do world 4 without picking up any air if you fall fast enough.

get 15 chains for charge up
25 chains whenever healing is needed

upgrade priority:
gem powered - knife and fork (safety) - youth - blast module - gem attractor [if gem powered] - drone (good early game & boss) - gunpowder blocks (great for worlds 1-3)

Ignore siderooms until world 4. then enter them if health is needed, attempt to get the laser weapon and break 25 chain upon exit. Enter shop when it's most convenient but don't do more than two visits (should be enough to use all your gems). Don't use the world 5 shop.

Try to get a laser before boss because it obliterates him and skips some cycles. Starting weapon is fine for the rest, though laser is good in world 4 with enough charge since it one-shots anything in your way.


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