[RTA REPLAY] Last 8 Tomato Battles in RTA Season 10 - isengdudegame Summoners War

Описание к видео [RTA REPLAY] Last 8 Tomato Battles in RTA Season 10 - isengdudegame Summoners War

This is Tomato Last Battle before he go Legend Tournament

Game Download =
Android = http://bit.ly/34M7aNI
Bluestack = https://bstk.me/lYEMxUfeg
IOS = https://apple.co/2sSPNNO

Runes Pic (will update here) =https://ibb.co/album/j3EaDv

TOP DONATION (https://streamlabs.com/isengdudegame) =
1. Shoutout to dato' bobby (My Idol and senpai) = Super ultimate Omega amount $$$$$$ can not describe
2. RIFA $400 Please subs    / Канал  
3. Streaming SW Queenlicious = http://bit.ly/2UFX1ND

Perlengkapan Youtube (Indonesia) = http://bit.ly/2PFU6n3
My Youtube gear (Amazon) =
1. Webcam = https://amzn.to/2DFHuYh
2. Mouse = https://amzn.to/2LeMzx9
3. Iphone X = https://amzn.to/2GVocQX
4. Elgato gaming Capture = https://amzn.to/2UQwjSr
5. Lightning to HDMI converter = https://amzn.to/2Y1Ef5r
6. Gaming Chair = https://amzn.to/2VwS2TW
7. Microphone = https://amzn.to/2V5scXR

TOA = http://bit.ly/2HLfoyH
Dungeon = http://bit.ly/2FCvzdV
Siege Battle and GVG = http://bit.ly/2CDBGOA
RTA = http://bit.ly/2WuWYFD

Like, Share and Subscribe ^^
My Channel = https://goo.gl/sosw9N
Discord =   / discord  

I Play in Asia Server, majorly with Bomber Team. I Accept Request Video about Summoners War, just contact me or comment in video

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FB=   / isengdude.gamenia  
Twitter =   / isengdudegame  
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Reddit =   / isengdudegame  

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