Battlefield 1 - The Madsen MG Trench/Low Weight (2021)

Описание к видео Battlefield 1 - The Madsen MG Trench/Low Weight (2021)

a.k.a. "That one LMG many Youtubers wrote off because of the top-mounted mag"

Another one of my favourite LMGs, with great performance paired with pleasing aesthetics (the sound design is top-notch, BFV's incarnation of the Madsen pales in comparison). To me, this is what I'd consider the "Support's Assault Rifle", being effective across most ranges - the BAR M1918 is a fine weapon, but I consider that to play more like an SMG at times, for the Supports who REALLY wanna get up in the enemy's face. The Madsen's Trench variant lets you be surprisingly effective in CQC, while also being easy-enough to control for ranged engagements. The Low Weight has decent hipfire too, and the bipod lets you be frighteningly accurate if positioned well.

The banana mag doesn't really bother me - if there's ever a situation where I lose sight of an enemy because of/get distracted by the magazine, then I would've likely lost the engagement no matter what LMG I was using. Those sorta situations - for me at least - are caused by me being bad, having a brainfart and just poorly tracking enemies.

#Battlefield1 #Madsen #MG


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