Kā nopelnīt naudu laukos?...How to earn money in country side?

Описание к видео Kā nopelnīt naudu laukos?...How to earn money in country side?

.....jo,nevienam nav noslēpums,ka bez naudas iztikt nevar,lai arī partikas grozu diezgan krietni,vairak vai mazak ,papildina pašaudzētie un ievaktie produkti,naudu vajag internetam,elektrībai,gazei,benzīnam,tiem partikas produktiem,kurus paši neaudzē,drēbēm,apaviem,ceļojumiem...

...because it's no secret to anyone that you can't live without money, even if the grocery basket is quite large, more or less, it is supplemented by self-grown and collected products, you need money for the Internet, electricity, gas, petrol,car expenses, those grocery products that you don't grow yourself for clothes, shoes, travel...


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